

Donation Ceremony of “Labelling Equipment for Nucleic Acid Testing Sampling Tubes” and Inauguration ...

Publication time:2022-05-02

Donation ceremony of “Labelling Equipment for Nucleic Acid Testing Sampling Tubes” and inauguration ceremony of the innovation center was held on Kunshan campus of Justech Group on 1st May.

The Labelling Equipment, donated to Kunshan City and Bacheng Town by the Group, worth nearly one million RMB, which aims to support the prevention and control of the epidemic in Kunshan.

Huang Naihong, Deputy Governor of Kunshan City, Zhou Jian, Director of Health Commission of Kunshan City, Zhu Yehua, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and Mayor of Bacheng Town, Zhang Limin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee, Liu Shasha and Ji Lijuan, Deputy Mayor of Bacheng Town, Jing Yuxiang, President of Justech Group, Wei Xiaojun, Special Assistant to President of Justech Group and Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Justech Precision Industry Co., Ltd., and Bai Yuelei, General Manager of Kunshan Fixture Precision Industry Co., Ltd., and Kunshan ZZK Online Trading Co., Ltd. attended the event.

Empowered by technology, Justech Group aims to help fight the epidemic. The prevention and control work of the COVID is still hard this year, especially when the epidemic in Shanghai has made people all over the country very worried, which brought a lot of difficulties to people’s living condition, economic and social development, including the development of enterprises, and also brought great pressure to Kunshan that is close to Shanghai. President Jing Yuxiang, who has been working in Kunshan for nearly 20 years, was always worried when he saw that the task of preventing and controlling the epidemic in Kunshan and Bacheng was very difficult and that the health and epidemic prevention system was seriously overloaded. Therefore, he asked the R&D team to think deeply about how to give full play to the Group’s technology strength and do what they can for Kunshan Government and health and epidemic prevention system of Kunshan.

In late March, Justech Group organized a research team to develop the “Labelling Equipment for Nucleic Acid Testing Sampling Tubes” with the aim of reducing the pressure of the Kunshan health and epidemic prevention system, in order to help them to reduce manpower and risks, improve efficiency and decrease the workload of epidemic prevention personnel. It took less than a week from development and design to the production of the first machine.

At the donation ceremony, President Jing Yuxiang expressed his special thanks to Kunshan Government and Bacheng Government for the care and support to Justech Group. He said that Justech would continue going deep into the non-standard automation industry in Kunshan, focusing on intelligent manufacturing, giving full play to the advantages of the industrial chain layout, paying attention to build an integrated platform, and make more contributions to the development of economy, society and livelihood for Kunshan and Bacheng.

Zhu Yehua, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and Mayor of Bacheng Town, then delivered a speech. She said that, as a leading company in Bacheng and an excellent representative of the intelligent manufacturing industry cluster, Justech Group has taken the initiative and helped the fight against the epidemic with technology, kindness and corporate strength. That will invigorate and motivate Bacheng and Kunshan to win over the epidemic as soon as possible, and also make this May Day Festival even more special and beautiful this year!

On behalf of Mayor Chen Liyan of Kunshan City, Mr. Huang Naihong, Deputy Governor of Kunshan City, expressed his appreciation and praise for the donation. He also recalled in particular his experience of knowing the Group since many years ago and expressed his appreciation for the Group’s ability and strength in serving globally renowned companies over the years. He said that under such a severe situation of the epidemic, it was not easy for Justech to maintain the production capacity in the closed-loop management, which was a great effort of the Group’s management, and this practical action of donation illustrated the corporate responsibility and feelings for the country of Justech, which touched him a lot!

In his speech, Deputy Governor Huang also expressed his expectation for the future development of Justech Group. He hoped that Justech Group, as a representative outstanding company in fulfilling its social responsibility and promoting social progress, would be firmly confident in investing in BaCheng and Kunshan as always, continuously increasing investment, expanding development areas, building a brand image, producing high-quality products. Therefore, Justech will attract more upstream and downstream enterprises to invest and grow in Kunshan, forming a unique cluster of science and innovation industrialization for mutual benefit.

At the donation ceremony, as representatives of the Group, Wei Xiaojun, Special Assistant to President of Justech Group and Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Justech Precision Industry Co., Ltd. and Bai Yuelei, General Manager of Kunshan Fixture Precision Industry Co., Ltd., and Kunshan ZZK Online Trading Co., Ltd., donated the “Labelling Equipment for Nucleic Acid Testing Sampling Tubes” to the People’s Government of Kunshan City and the People’s Government of Bacheng Town respectively. Zhou Jian, Director of Health Commission of Kunshan City, and Zhang Limin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee, received the donation on behalf of the People’s Government of Kunshan City and the People’s Government of Bacheng Town respectively, and presented the donation certificate to the Group.

Then, Deputy Governor Huang joined President Jing Yuxiang to unveil the Group’s Innovation Center. Located in the southeast of the Kunshan campus, the Innovation Center of Justech Group is a comprehensive showcase of Justech’s brand, culture and innovative spirit. The Innovation Center will focus on presenting the latest products and new technology applications in various business areas of the Group and its subsidiaries, and will richly and comprehensively express Justech’s mission and vision, product trends, industrial layout, technology trends and future development direction to the community.

Having gained a lot of support from the government, the donation is a present to the community in return. Justech Group will take this donation ceremony and the inauguration ceremony as an opportunity to continue doing a solid job of in its own business and to build a more sentimental, more responsible and resilient Justech!

Kunshan Convergence Media, Jiaohuidian News and other social media attended the donation and inauguration ceremony and released reports at the first time.