

The Commencement Ceremony for Hai’an Project of Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., ...

Publication time:2022-11-26

The commencement ceremony for Hai’an Project of Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Justech group, was grandly held in Hai'an Economic and Technological Development Zone at 14:28 pm on 25th November 2022.

Yu Lizhong, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Hai’an, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hai’an Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hao Sanwang, Member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Governor of Hai’an city, Zhou Xiaojun, Deputy Governor of Hai’an city, Jing Yuxiang, Founder and President of Justech Group, Zhou Zhihui, Managing Director of China International Capital Corporation Limited, Wang Yaxiong, President of Suzhou Shunrong Investment Management Company Limited, Bai Yuelei, President of Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., and Lin Shihuai, CEO of Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., attended the event.

Zhang Yonghua, Member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hai’an Economic and Technological Development Zone, presided over the ceremony.

Mr. Bai Yuelei, President of Xinxin Linear Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., first extended a warm welcome to all the guests attending the commencement ceremony of Hai’an Project, and introduced the information and plan of the project.

He expressed that, from Xinxin Linear to Xinxin Precision, we have walked through four years of struggle in a practical manner. The core product, ULS linear driving series, with the joint efforts of engineers from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, has been showing its frontiers in the domestic industrial automation field and has become the representative of high standard products in the domestic linear driving industry, and have the full strength to be a substitute for the imported ones. Xinxin Precision has been negotiating with the Hai’an Government for investment since 2020, and the investment agreement was officially signed on 29th September 2021. At the same time, Xinxin Precision received 100 million yuan of angel financing from CICC Capital in September this year, which shows the value recognition for Xinxin Precision from domestic financial institution, and it’s also the first milestone for Xinxin Precision towards the IPO.

He then said that, in the future, he would uphold the belief of “People who share the same goal would work together to achieve it” and gather the spirit of “I’ll be second to none when competing with the whole industry”. We will upgrade China's basic industry, with the ultimate linear driving technology, so that Xinxin Precision can create a “model for the manufacturing of precision driving parts in China’s basic industry” in the favored land of Hai’an.

Later, Mr. Zhou Zhihui, Managing Director of CICC, introduced the investment information of the project and the vision of investment in Hai’an, and expressed congratulations on behalf of the investor on the commencement of Hai’an project. He pointed out that, as a state-owned financial institution, CICC Capital insists on serving the country with finance, promoting the innovation-driven development strategy based on finance, and creating a good capital ecological environment for science and technology innovation with investment and financing as a link. Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. is a major project introduced by CPC Committee and the government of Hai’an city and CICC Capital in the field of basic components layout, and established by the leading automation company Justech Group together with a senior industrial team from Taiwan. Xinxin Precision has made a successful mass production of a number of linear guide products for the middle and high-end market, and widely recognized by well-known domestic customers in the semiconductor, medical, new energy and 3C market. We expect Xinxin and its products to become the golden name card of Hai’an’s industrial field, to emerge in the market as a key role of domestic high-end linear guide, to become an important company in the Ecological chain for industrial equipment, and to serve the supply chain of domestic high-end equipment.

Under the attention of the leaders and guests, On behalf of Hai’an government, Hao Sanwang, Member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Governor of Hai’an city, and Jing Yuxiang, President of Justech Group, unveiled the brand of Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., LTD., announcing the official commencement of the Hai’an project. Thunderous applause broke out.

After the unveiling ceremony, President Jing Yuxiang of Justech Group expressed his gratitude for the strong support from Hai’an Government and his expectation for Xinxin Precision. He said that the Xinxin precision guide rail project is an important strategic initiative to lay out the intelligent manufacturing industry chain and achieve the aspiration “To be a world-class intelligent manufacturing company” for Justech Group. After reaching the expected production and efficiency, the project will further improve the capacity of leading and appealing in the manufacturing industry, strongly associating local and related manufacturing industry and application companies, realizing the supporting and service nearby, continuously reducing the cost, accelerating the formation of industrial gathering and building a more complete supply chain and industrial chain.

President Jing Yuxiang pointed out that, the “start” button of the project is the “acceleration” button of the industrial development. In the process of carrying out the project, we will definitely follow the requirements of “high standing, high standard and high efficiency”, and we will work together with the group to plan and promote the project as a whole to overcome difficulties and achieve good results! The short-term goal of Xinxin Precision is listing in three years in Hai’an, and we look forward to becoming a leader and a new benchmark in the industry in the near future, making our modest contribution to the economic and social development of Hai’an, to national industry and to solving the difficult problems of national projects!

Yu Lizhong, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Hai’an, expressed congratulations on behalf of Hai’an Government on the successful start of Xinxin Precision. He requested that the development zone should take the project construction as an effective means on the development of the real economy, further transform the major industrial projects to an engine, and accelerate the adjustment of the new methods of investment attraction under the new situation. The development zone also need to integrate and optimize the force for investment promotion, unswervingly stick to the policy of “going out” and “inviting in”, and strive to attract a number of high-quality projects with high industrial level, strong driving force and large contribution.

Secretary Yu pointed out that the automatic equipment production line of Justech Group was put into production in May this year, and after half a year, the Xinxin precision manufacturing project now has started. This is not only because of being optimistic about the prospect of the development zone, but also because of the recognition of Hai’an’s business environment. The project is a strong supplement to the chain of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, the completion of which will successfully fill the gap in the linear motion industry, play an important role in the long-term development of the company, in the upgrading of the zone, and provide the city with support of fostering the growth of high-end equipment manufacturing industry. Hai’an Development Zone will also transform and upgrade traditional industries, continue to enhance the economic development, focus on building a new type of government-business relationship, and a first-class business environment, so that everyone could invest, live and develop comfortably in Hai’an.

Finally, the leaders and guests attending this ceremony pressed the button on the pillar together to officially announce the commencement. This marks a new stage in the construction of the Hai’an project of Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. and represents a closer tie between Justech Group and Hai’an Government. It is expected that in the future, the integrated platform jointly built by Justech Group and Hai’an Government will be able to use the strength of the layout of the whole industrial chain, help the development of automation, informationization and intelligence, and seek common development and create win-win situation in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

Zhang Yinglai, member of the Party Working Committee of Hai’an Development Zone and deputy director of the Management Committee, Yang Yiqiao, Special Assistant of President of Justech Group and Director of Human Resources Department of Jiangsu Justech Precision Industry Co., Ltd., Wang Li, Special Assistant of President of Justech Group, Director of Finance Department of Jiangsu Justech Precision Industry Co., Ltd., Mr. Wei Xiaojun, Special Assistant of President of Justech Group, Executive Vice-President of Justech University, director of Xinxin Precision Manufacturing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., Mr. Huang Fang, Vice General Manager of Justech Precision Industry Co., Ltd., and Mr. Wei Liqian, Vice General Manager of Administrative Service Center, accompanied the reception and attended the commencement ceremony.

In addition, more than 200 people attended the commencement ceremony: leaders of relevant departments and financial institutions such as CPC Committee Office, Government Office, Development and Reform Committee of Hai’an, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Education and Sports, Bank of China, leaders of relevant departments of Hai’an Development Zone, staff representatives of Justech Group, and representatives of the investment community and partners from supply chain who have been caring and supporting Justech Group’s development for a long time, media from Hai’an.