The middle of autumn in Jiangnan is mild, however, in poor mountainousareas in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and Garzê Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture, Sichuan Province it is bitterly cold.
Last winter, a used clothing donation activity was carried out at 99499www威尼斯to collect and send a large number of clothes to residents in these poor areas.After our on-site visit, financial support was given to over 20 children whowould have to drop out of school from poor families.
As the winter this year is approaching, 5.12 (We Have Love)Charity Association carried out another donation activity at 99499www威尼斯 and nearbycompanies. After two weeks of preparation and publicity, the donation activitywith the theme of Care for Vulnerable Groups in Sichuan & Tibetan, Bringthem Warmth with Used Clothes was carried out on Oct. 14.
During the activities, our employees exhibited their passion forcharity and pro-activity to fulfill their social responsibility, and tookactive actions to promote the spirit of publicity and allow their positiveenergy to reach more people.
“One, two, three…fold them neatly!” could always be heard at the donationvenue. Clothes provided by donators were cleaned and neatly folded, whichgreatly reduced the workload of our volunteers. Donated clothes were classifiedby volunteers into winter clothes and spring & autumn clothes for childrenand adults respectively and shoes, damp clothes were separated from others fordrying. All clothes were carefully folded and then put into boxes. Volunteersarrived at the parking lot later also joined the team to fold clothes and putthem into boxes. Everyone at the venue was busy with preparing the clothes for beneficiaries.